Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Examples Of Welcome Speech For Church

Hereafter Mine Vaganti

When you begin a sequence often do not even know how we finished, we can only draw awareness to be inside. Yet after Saturno Contro and, before that, The Ignorant Fairies I could not see me well this last production between Italy and Turkey, passed in the form of DVDs from the hands of those Cinefilante mine. It 's true that now Vaganti Mine came out a few months, but if you went to reread the previous post Saturno Contro , you will understand why Ozpetek name in front of my face wrinkled into an expression almost always infastidita.Supero le ostilità pregiudiziali e mi accingo a vederlo. Ebbene, stavolta il film mi è piaciuto. Non per la storia in sé, che già mi sembra un pò stantia e scontata, quanto per gli inserti macchiettistici che lo farciscono su ogni centrimetro di pel..licola.
La storia è semplice: il co-protagonista Tommaso Cantone (Riccardo Scamarcio - e questa volta per mia personale riluttanza verso i pezzi di legno spacciati per attori non metto il link del conosciutissimo minus habens ), torna a casa a Lecce dalla Capitale presso la sua doviziosa famiglia di pastaioli salentini. Ha intenzioni serie: confessa al fratello maggiore Antonio ( Alessandro Preziosi ) che sia prima a Lecce e poi dopo a Roma ha discovered that he likes the slug (is gay). Since I do not have the slightest intention to stay in Lecce for the pastaiolo do, wants to return to Rome (in Rome in fact, with the accent ... we are always at Lecce not?) To become a writer. What better time to make the announcement at the table with the family gathered to complete, be hunting from his father Vincenzo ( Ennio Fantastichini ) who agree to never lose face in the country if you know who has a gay son? The bell'Antonio, her brother, tries to dissuade him but already prepares the dirty trick: once at the table, he takes the floor, anticipating Thomas and displaces all. "Look I'm gay. And my boyfriend was working right in our long pasta I was not forced to fire him to remove the suspicion. "
Open up Heaven! Papa Vincenzo slumps to the ground, shuffling dishes and tablecloth on the floor, suffered a stroke. Thomas is there like an asshole. Now the parties are reversed. E 'Antonio to be out of the house and Thomas, of which nobody knows, will take the place of his brother al
pasta. Limortaccisua he will come to think! It certainly must have thought ... (but we are always in Lecce , so he must have thought in Salento, who knows ... maybe LimortEccissu ').
Here now stuck in well for a life that Thomas did not want to do. Ozpetek But to love them, but own time, the tricks of the parties and posted four "Loose Cannons" on
Thomas, with a surprise visit. They are the people of Rome, and here they are below:

"What begl'amicc 'ch' keep in Romme!"

Alas! Here we go wrong. If these do not give a rule you can see immediately that there are four queens. Filled with recommendations not to be friends, otherwise the rest of the family now understands which side he is. And that's where part of the vein hilarious, even hilarious, the movie. A river full of caricatures, where all strive to look the most "macho", except betray unmistakable signs every two seconds. To act as supervisor to the whole network of public and private histories and the grandmother of Thomas, which may be assigned to a few bars, but where's the skill of acting Ilaria Occhini expresses more than words can not do. Looks, gestures, thoughts unspoken but well-considered, suggest that the white crone has found the key to life. Up to spur them to commit suicide more decent human being can invent. Dressing, combing hair and makeup and then Abbott of sweets and diabetes already let the stars take its course. The find follows:

"Thomas, if someone is always asking what other
not worth living!"

can not argue in front of such wisdom. Wisdom leads us to a dream final and brushed esoteric where Grandma and loose cannon too, joins the man who really loved and had to give up to marry for the sake of family.
Well, I note that Ozpetek has finally given up the hateful turcaccia Serra Yilmaz, getting rid of the previous cast equal to themselves. We hope that turcaccia is wintering in Rosario.
Although the film is obviously a subject, based on a bad habit to not only consolidated Ozpetek, we highlight the merit of placing of new thoughts, certainly not closed to the sole issue of homosexuality. Photographer without intrusiveness Love in its various forms (perfect, sensual, subliminally) that often characterize relations poisoned the life of the province, especially the rich and bored holes in family communication blacks (Thomas and Anthony did not know each the other of their identity). In short, the satisfaction is truly complete. I hope one day not have to regret those words when it comes out a new film Ozpetek.

This time I do the matching, tracing the line of Cinefilante tested. Well, if you see the film coming to the point where her grandmother committed suicide with the sweet, look at them carefully. I think I recognized them: they should be the delicious pastries sugar crystals in Rome at Piazza Scotti. You do not win any awards if it is them. But certainly it is a great excuse to visit them!


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