Monday, March 7, 2011

Michigan Basketball Warmup Songs

Lady Oscar - Episode 2 - The arrival of Marie Antoinette

Vienna 1770. At the Court of Austria getting ready for the wedding of Marie Antoinette with the future Louis XVI. His mother, Maria Theresa of Austria, lives that day with some concern. The daughter has just 15 years. At Home Jarjayes Oscar is advised that you heard of a possible kidnapping of Marie Antoinette on the way from Austria to France. The thrill of Ocar for the meeting with the future queen of France was annulled almost immediately after this news. The French delegation awaits the arrival of Marie Antoinette to Shüttern near the River Rhine in Germany, where stripped of all clothing and accessories are just putting on the Austrian and French shoes, will continue its journey to the palace of Versailles. But the problems start early: Marie Antoinette got crazy, does not want to change their clothes, much less give up even the ring-remember his mother Maria Teresa has given her. Wants to return to Austria, refusing to marry. While trying to leave the pavilion set up at the Reno, Marie Antoinette meets a waitress who offered to replace her properly dressed and with a blonde wig. The waitress is actually a person sent by the Duke of Orleans, cousin of the future Louis XVI, who seeks the throne. The purpose of the Duke of Orleans is to create the right scandal and upheaval to discredit Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Marie Antoinette, dressed as a maid comes out of the hall and into the woods. Oscar, who waits outside, watching the scene and realizes that something is wrong. Reached the forest, Maria Antonietta is surrounded by the assassins of the Duke of Orleans wishing to remove it. Oscar intervenes by killing the killers and bringing back the sight of Marie Antoinette and Louis King of France. Meanwhile, the fake Marie Antoinette is introduced in front of Louis XIV in the presence of the Duke of Orleans. Prior to the fulfillment of the simulation, Oscar interrupts the presentation by introducing the real Marie Antoinette, still dressed as a maid. The impersonator tries to escape but is stopped by the Duke of Oscar Orlèeans to avoid embarrassing confessions or accusations, stabbed to death.

Marie Antoinette was finally presented to the future Louis XVI with the royal family. Escorted by Oscar, Marie Antoinette resumed the journey that will lead to the palace of Versailles. Affanciandosi from the glass of the coach and watching Oscar, Marie Antoinette asks a lady of the court who the young man riding beside them. The lady replied amused that this is a girl whose name is just Mademoiselle Oscar. On top of a hill there is a character who observes the passage of the royal procession to France: the case of Count Hans Axel Fersen, Swedish Journal of the Dragons. The young Marie Antoinette Fersen would have known only a few years, at a grand ball of the Court.


This episode transmit educational messages from many points of view. Stand particularly in the figure of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria of course the two aspects to the conflict: the mother, who worries about the future of his daughter, and national, which makes it accountable to the Austro Hungarian rule. Indeed, to be honest as you can clearly sense will prevail Maria Teresa of the state, makes one feel a great sense of responsibility to those who are willing to give up her daughter's happiness and peace for the good of their people. France and Austria at that time were at war for some time, marriage between Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Habsburg-Lorraine would have ensured peace between the two peoples. It is noted among other issues, such as strong as treason, conspiracy, murder, deceit and simulation are not obscured or sweetened. The public (at least in Italy consisted mainly of children) did not hide anything, as unfortunately happens in cartoons latest baked in pink hues. The only real complaint fell in the Italian version of the series was on the scene deemed too sexually driven (but more about that in the relevant episodes). Another aspect that clearly denotes a certain, shall we say, "Sentimental Education" are the words of Marie Antoinette after the kiss chaste and halting of Louis XVI: "What I'm confused ... My husband gave me a kiss, and I have not tried anything. " One senses that Marie Antoinette did not at all present the "reason of state" that underlies his wedding, but he hopes to live in love with the lightness and the hope of his young age. It will then overwhelm the love when she meets Count Fersen. But for the latter case we will fine bet to see.

Manga (ed. Pimpulu where I renew my thanks)

The story of this review begins with a sequence in which Oscar's father that his daughter would accept that the future Queen of France wearing women's clothes, hence the predictable reaction of the leading rebel against the parent. In the manga is the grandmother of Andre to suggest to put an Oscar bridesmaid and all with a series of vignettes that sucitano much hilarity. It 'important to emphasize that all the irony the author, who in the crop history expressed particularly through expressions on the faces of the characters is lost completely in the anime. By doing so you are able to maintain consistent tones always made this cartoon. The separation from the mother of Marie Antoinette is more poignant than in the comic TV series where Maria Teresa, though evidently moved in to greet her daughter does so with words worthy of a sovereign delsuo weight, without betraying the despair caused by the impending separation. Fortunately, help is on the musical score by Koji Makaino which is well underlined the dramatic emphasis of this posting. The arrival of the Austrian princess on French soil, which occurred in April 1770, takes place in the comic without the machinations of kidnapping the girl coming from the Duke of Orleans, with much of its rescue by Oscar which is very novel cloak and dagger. It 'clear that the authors wanted to emphasize the courage of our heroine, in addition to introducing key figures as the Duke of Orleans himself that from now on we will often move designed to hinder a spirit antagonistic to the throne of his cousin Dauphin of France . . . . the future Louis XVI.

Trivia: Who has watched for years the version Mediaset This cartoon cult, review recently in the DVD version released by Yamato Video will have noticed how the order of elements such as initials, prologue and so are different from each other. To understand better the following are the two schemes poposti aired and compared: first episodes
Scheme Mediaset :
Credits head-> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Frame a black background with title -> Episode -> Symbol Tail
Scheme Mediaset alternative :
Credits head-> Frame with a black background with text "Lady Oscar" -> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Frame a black background with title -> Episode -> Symbol Queue
scheme original Japanese :

Frame with written "Lady Oscar" on a red and gold decoration frame -> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Credits head-> title without still images -> Epsodio -> Symbol Queue


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