Friday, March 18, 2011

Free Sales Contract For A Camper

Immoral instincts - Teatro Colosseo

Thanks to the spectacle of his Frediano Properzi , Ballestrero returns to talk about theater in the book that has so far largely overlooked. Although honestly neglect is due to too long since I went to the theater. Return after a long time and a good show is really encouraging.

In a proscenium black as tar move in a frosty silence six characters. A heterosexual couple, a gay couple, a single and a single. Each of them holds a high-backed chair covered with a transparent retina. That network is the blurred reflection of the souls of each of them. The characters are not such in the strict sense, but are expressions of the archetype that all of them manifest to the single a bit unlucky and tormented by emotional dependence, the single a little elderly, docile, quiet and safe but hidden instincts of domination that has learned, perverse taste , to vent on the chatline where virtually meet other revelers hidden, which imposed its punishment virtual. The heterosexual couple, where he vents frustration worn and stale relationship by engaging in constant betrayals, not without violent inclination result of a principle of dissociation. You, the prototype of submissive woman, who hopes and damages, which is distressing and it is consumed after a difficult relationship when not impossible. The gay couple who live similar dynamics and yet other than heterosexual, mired in an unbalanced relationship where one is willing to accept any compromise while continuing (and perhaps perpetuating) the report, while the other while going in search of a new relationship, it fails to do so until the end for a sense of guilt towards the companion. Also get to experience relations in three, yet without drawing a real satisfaction.

The proposed layout, in my opinion, has no moral end up in advance. Anyone who expects a complex mechanism that leads to a final full meaning is misguided. Because the ultimate goal of representation is to provide a final schematic or obedient to assume an expectation the public, but simply illustrate the feelings and moods of the masks that give life to the show. Feelings and moods exhibited as an X-ray passed to the cold neon light on a panel. I renew my compliments to the author with the same words that I made personally, a perfect synthesis of his work: "Congratulations Frediano! It 'clear that in life you have lived so much and heard!"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dawn Pokemon Swimsuit

Lady Oscar - Episode 3 - A sad omen

Marie Antoinette finally arrives in Paris. We are in 1770 and Versailles are the wedding between her and the prince of France. But the horizon looks bad omen: When Marie Antoinette signs the certificate wedding, an ink stain escapes from the feather. This incident is disturbing that Marie Antoinette guests around her. It is not considered a sure sign of buonaugurio - History and then can not confirm that .

Maria Antonietta formally began his life of the Court. He knows the nobility who usually attends the palace of Versailles and receives advice from the first sisters of the King All are enraptured by the beauty and elegance of the Austrian princess. All except one: the Countess Du Barry, favorite of King and Queen de facto of the Court. The Countess has a neat little past, is said to be prostitute, who has married and then poisoned Count Du Barry in order to seize the title and its heritage. With these credentials, was able to get into a court where he quickly became the favorite (to put it mildly) of the king Louis XV.

Countess Du Barry feels threatened by the future Queen Marie Antoinette who, after learning his past, has now taken to Malvolio, reserving the more complete indifference and refuses to speak to her.

The attitude of Marie Antoinette is furious that the Du Barry goes immediately to let off steam by the Sovereign.

received assurances from the Sovereign, the Du Barry will meet again in the gardens of Versailles, Marie Antoinette together with other ladies of the Court. Unexpectedly, Marie Antoinette goes to her, who already enjoy the taste of victory, surrounded by other ladies. Marie Antoinette goes, does not turn even a glance at Du Barry and intentionally ignoring it invites the other ladies at a card game to be held that evening in his living room. The Du Barry, furious over the incident, will return by the king to complain, but not before he had spoken with the Duke of Orleans, which advised her to make Oscar's mother, Madame de Jarjayes, to be his chaperone. In this way the Princess of France will not refuse to talk to her, having the respect and consideration that Marie Antoinette was Oscar. When Oscar is I know of this sinister plot reacts angrily, but his father resigned the confirmation that this is an order of the king and, as such, do not argue.


In this episode the theme is that the more the light is just what the social relations entered into a scheme of the Court and in an aristocrat. Marie Antoinette, as she grew up in a royal-imperial context, paying due to the inexperience and youth is abroad in the Court of Versailles, not without a strong ego: he knows to be very pretty and is greatly pleased his vanity seeing gaze at all. Stand sideways with the Countess Du Barry with the shield only the difference in rank (Du Barry for the label can not appeal to the Princess Marie Antoinette before, be it to her worthy of his attention Du Barry), denotes certainly Inconscience and absolute ignorance of the political balance that go beyond the superficial Barney table. In this episode the audience's attention is focused on precisely these kinds of relationships and the palace intrigues which, as we shall see, throughout history the human being, then as now.

Manga (ed. Pimpulu which amplify my thanks)

And 'interesting to see how the authors of the soul, from this episode until the 5th have developed the following facts as the manga an alternative order. Let's see some analysis on how they differ. After the arrival of Mary Antoinietta, the author now decides to introduce two other key figures, namely the two pseudo-Morle The sisters, Jeanne and Rosalie.

This is because in the anime and manga abbimo here that in another historic town of departure. On May 16, 1770 are in fact the wedding couple and of the August occasion of this event exciting for France the gardens of Versailles are also open to the people visiting. While in the manga, Jeanne and Rosalie just ponder whether or not to go there, their debut in the anime is returned to the 6th episode, ie during the first official visit of future kings took place in Paris in 1773. . . well then after 3 years!. Perhaps this choice was dictated by the need to give continuity to the vicissitudes of the two girls.

In fact, in the anime, the ending of the war of nerves between Marie Antoinette and the Countess Du Barry offers an excellent starting point to open a new theme of development in history.

In the manga, however, before coming to life the historic quarrel between the two ladies, Jeanne has already run away from home in search of a better life under the protection of the Marchioness of Brambouillet.

Curiosity (always by Pimpulu):

Lady Oscar is a work very dear to the author, not only for the global popularity that has given it but also because through the protagonist, as he took his life from the pencil, Ikeda vented resentment he had towards his parents for his daughter, who advocate a different course of study would then conducted for other purposes in life.

So the feelings of protest as well as those of fear and love that characterize Oscar are the reflection of the personal life of the designer.

learn from an interview given to Ikeda, that when a manga gets out successfully by the Japanese territory for himself with the same echo in other countries is only at that moment that a mangaka (comic artist) is recognized that in his own country. Too severe? I would not say if you think that the comic takes place in early 70's when Japanese society was perhaps less westernized than today.

With Lady Oscar, Ryoko Ikeda for the contribution that popular and has continuously offered in respect of French history, in 2008, he received the French government's highest honors of Knighthood, which can be attributed, the Legion D'Honneur.

Wakeboard Birthday Cake

The Greeks had two words to signify the life and existence.
Life is the one that moves the world, is in the world, exists in the world.
The existence is the form that takes life, given the external conditions, political, traditional, cultural. I do not care ninete
Life, I'm interested in the existence. As scientists, physicists, and even I do this job: I think that what can be and what will be or what was there.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Michigan Basketball Warmup Songs

Lady Oscar - Episode 2 - The arrival of Marie Antoinette

Vienna 1770. At the Court of Austria getting ready for the wedding of Marie Antoinette with the future Louis XVI. His mother, Maria Theresa of Austria, lives that day with some concern. The daughter has just 15 years. At Home Jarjayes Oscar is advised that you heard of a possible kidnapping of Marie Antoinette on the way from Austria to France. The thrill of Ocar for the meeting with the future queen of France was annulled almost immediately after this news. The French delegation awaits the arrival of Marie Antoinette to Shüttern near the River Rhine in Germany, where stripped of all clothing and accessories are just putting on the Austrian and French shoes, will continue its journey to the palace of Versailles. But the problems start early: Marie Antoinette got crazy, does not want to change their clothes, much less give up even the ring-remember his mother Maria Teresa has given her. Wants to return to Austria, refusing to marry. While trying to leave the pavilion set up at the Reno, Marie Antoinette meets a waitress who offered to replace her properly dressed and with a blonde wig. The waitress is actually a person sent by the Duke of Orleans, cousin of the future Louis XVI, who seeks the throne. The purpose of the Duke of Orleans is to create the right scandal and upheaval to discredit Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Marie Antoinette, dressed as a maid comes out of the hall and into the woods. Oscar, who waits outside, watching the scene and realizes that something is wrong. Reached the forest, Maria Antonietta is surrounded by the assassins of the Duke of Orleans wishing to remove it. Oscar intervenes by killing the killers and bringing back the sight of Marie Antoinette and Louis King of France. Meanwhile, the fake Marie Antoinette is introduced in front of Louis XIV in the presence of the Duke of Orleans. Prior to the fulfillment of the simulation, Oscar interrupts the presentation by introducing the real Marie Antoinette, still dressed as a maid. The impersonator tries to escape but is stopped by the Duke of Oscar Orlèeans to avoid embarrassing confessions or accusations, stabbed to death.

Marie Antoinette was finally presented to the future Louis XVI with the royal family. Escorted by Oscar, Marie Antoinette resumed the journey that will lead to the palace of Versailles. Affanciandosi from the glass of the coach and watching Oscar, Marie Antoinette asks a lady of the court who the young man riding beside them. The lady replied amused that this is a girl whose name is just Mademoiselle Oscar. On top of a hill there is a character who observes the passage of the royal procession to France: the case of Count Hans Axel Fersen, Swedish Journal of the Dragons. The young Marie Antoinette Fersen would have known only a few years, at a grand ball of the Court.


This episode transmit educational messages from many points of view. Stand particularly in the figure of Queen Maria Theresa of Austria of course the two aspects to the conflict: the mother, who worries about the future of his daughter, and national, which makes it accountable to the Austro Hungarian rule. Indeed, to be honest as you can clearly sense will prevail Maria Teresa of the state, makes one feel a great sense of responsibility to those who are willing to give up her daughter's happiness and peace for the good of their people. France and Austria at that time were at war for some time, marriage between Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette Habsburg-Lorraine would have ensured peace between the two peoples. It is noted among other issues, such as strong as treason, conspiracy, murder, deceit and simulation are not obscured or sweetened. The public (at least in Italy consisted mainly of children) did not hide anything, as unfortunately happens in cartoons latest baked in pink hues. The only real complaint fell in the Italian version of the series was on the scene deemed too sexually driven (but more about that in the relevant episodes). Another aspect that clearly denotes a certain, shall we say, "Sentimental Education" are the words of Marie Antoinette after the kiss chaste and halting of Louis XVI: "What I'm confused ... My husband gave me a kiss, and I have not tried anything. " One senses that Marie Antoinette did not at all present the "reason of state" that underlies his wedding, but he hopes to live in love with the lightness and the hope of his young age. It will then overwhelm the love when she meets Count Fersen. But for the latter case we will fine bet to see.

Manga (ed. Pimpulu where I renew my thanks)

The story of this review begins with a sequence in which Oscar's father that his daughter would accept that the future Queen of France wearing women's clothes, hence the predictable reaction of the leading rebel against the parent. In the manga is the grandmother of Andre to suggest to put an Oscar bridesmaid and all with a series of vignettes that sucitano much hilarity. It 'important to emphasize that all the irony the author, who in the crop history expressed particularly through expressions on the faces of the characters is lost completely in the anime. By doing so you are able to maintain consistent tones always made this cartoon. The separation from the mother of Marie Antoinette is more poignant than in the comic TV series where Maria Teresa, though evidently moved in to greet her daughter does so with words worthy of a sovereign delsuo weight, without betraying the despair caused by the impending separation. Fortunately, help is on the musical score by Koji Makaino which is well underlined the dramatic emphasis of this posting. The arrival of the Austrian princess on French soil, which occurred in April 1770, takes place in the comic without the machinations of kidnapping the girl coming from the Duke of Orleans, with much of its rescue by Oscar which is very novel cloak and dagger. It 'clear that the authors wanted to emphasize the courage of our heroine, in addition to introducing key figures as the Duke of Orleans himself that from now on we will often move designed to hinder a spirit antagonistic to the throne of his cousin Dauphin of France . . . . the future Louis XVI.

Trivia: Who has watched for years the version Mediaset This cartoon cult, review recently in the DVD version released by Yamato Video will have noticed how the order of elements such as initials, prologue and so are different from each other. To understand better the following are the two schemes poposti aired and compared: first episodes
Scheme Mediaset :
Credits head-> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Frame a black background with title -> Episode -> Symbol Tail
Scheme Mediaset alternative :
Credits head-> Frame with a black background with text "Lady Oscar" -> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Frame a black background with title -> Episode -> Symbol Queue
scheme original Japanese :

Frame with written "Lady Oscar" on a red and gold decoration frame -> Prologue intoduttivo episode -> Credits head-> title without still images -> Epsodio -> Symbol Queue

Wacky Wafers Candy From The 70's

Lady Oscar - Episode 1 - The Great Choice

Paris 1755. In the house of the General Jarjayes come to light yet another child, the last of many that already had from the General welcomes the little ones with a strong anger. He dreamed of finally having a son to perpetuate the name of the house. Almost willing to discard them, the General has a stroke of genius: mystify reality. He decides to call his daughter male by the name of Oscar François, promises to grow and breed it like a man. Years pass and the girl is now a teenager, quick sword and foil and filled with grit in his training with Andrea servant - we'll see - will play a key part in the life of Oscar.
General Jarjayes turns to Louis XV to offer his daughter as captain of the Royal Guard. Indeed, when the General speaks of Oscar talk to men, presenting it as his son. The king reacts amused, but all in all pleased and not at all skeptical to entrust the command of the Guard for Oscar. The only condition is given is that Oscar is proven effective with a sword most of the count's son Girodelle, also vying for the nomination. Despite the insistence
father, Oscar does not want to become a captain. She does not like the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to defend a woman, Marie Antoinette, which will shortly come to France to marry the grandson of Louis XV. But the father insists and she decides to face the litigant Girodelle the same day when it will officially under the eyes of the King, but not in front of him. Waiting for him on the course and the challenge

course Girodelle Oscar win, with obvious embarrassment and shame of the latter having been beaten by a woman. The challenge is not taken well by the private Jarjayes General and by the same sovereign. Oscar and father have yet another fight. Fled on horseback with André will have to fight with bare hands with him, especially when the recalls that as he fought to remain always a woman and that there is still time to change. Oscar fled first to hear it, comes home and decides to wear the uniform.

It is not easy to frame out the character of Oscar, declined in the context of highly sophisticated half of 1700 and the dawn of French Revolution. The figure of a girl, dressed and educated as a man, if today might seem bizarre even negligible, was certainly not usual for the historical context in which it is inserted. Among other things, the paradox is that - apart from rare exceptions that we will see during the episodes - all the characters / actors in the series seem perfectly comfortable with the ambiguity of the figure of Oscar. There are prejudices in front of her to be both women and men. Emotional implications arise only when this dualism is felt, even to a very lively and sometimes poignant, especially when these implications involving three well-defined characters of his life: Count Hans Axel Fersen, his attendant servant André Grandier and, last but not least, the Queen Marie Antoinette. It will therefore be interesting to watch these episodes in this case we will see shortly.

Manga ( by Pimpulu where I want to thank )
The story of our heroine in the manga, after an accurate description for your historical context in which the characters move and the story of the birth of the protagonist and fate of the father figure for her, opens with the usual practice to a duel between Oscar and his father, instead Andrè.Durante this exercise, the father of Oscar reveals the approach of a very important event for France which the arrival of the Imperial Princess Austrian Academy which will provide service and protection devoted to the cost of his life. Unlike the animated Oscar trsposizione shows no reluctance to engage in the task assigned to it when you sweat and even pride in wanting to be part of this lead to compimento.Inoltre, there is no decisive duel with Lieutenant Girodelle that would determine who among them ' Oscar should last and hold the office of Captain of the Guard Reale.Il manga, drawing on the skill and noble hand of Ryoko Ikeda in 1972, is published several times in Italy: in 83 by Fabbri editor with color plates and a final altered and then followed in 1993 by Granata Press until you get to the published version from 2001 dlla Planet Manga (Panini Comics) Original drawings reversed (so you can legere so to speak to the 'Western', ie from left to right) in a complete edition and uncensored on the images and / or special adaptations in the dialogues between the characters finally followed by a translation faithful to the Japanese. The direction of this first episode is being edited by the director of Tadao Nagahama and so on until the 18th episode, can not now rely on the cooperation of Osamu Dezaki that began to replace its predecessor as early as 12 ° from the episode and even before the 5 °, with obvious improvements. The most careful and kind of manic portranno noted among the titles this change of direction in official since the 19th episode.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Choking On Phlem Normal

Lady Oscar

soon on a special blog dedicated to the cartoon all the kids of the '80s have seen. After you have reviewed as many as 40 episodes I found lots of talking points that make this cartoon a gold mine in terms of historical, anthropological, pedagogical and educational. And why not? Even a little itchy.
For the topics covered and the context in which it is inserted, Lady Oscar is a manga done and done more for adults and children. I was a kid I've seen almost every episode. Now reviewing all eyes and ears adult I find it really a masterpiece.
I'm considering whether to dedicate a post about each episode or if you make a summa . I need your suggestions on how to proceed, so I welcome suggestions and advice.